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Super Evil Megacorp is doing Super Good with new UK "entity" on the way

CEO Kristian Segerstrale provides an update showing a studio going from strength to strength
Super Evil Megacorp is doing Super Good with new UK

Super Evil Megacorp, the mobile game development studio, has provided a new update on the progress of their company in the last year.

In their update Super Evil Megacorp shows that - despite their threatening, doom-laden moniker - business is certainly on the up. After a number of missteps back during the early years, including an ill-fated venture into the world of esports for their MOBA Vainglory, the developer has begun to rise in terms of sales, success and company culture.

Kristian Segerstrale, CEO of Super Evil Megacorp pointed to their upcoming release Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate and their partnership with Netflix Games as key evidence as to how the company is gearing up for not just a great 2023 or 2024, but beyond.

“I’m really proud that through all the changes of the last few years, " said Segerstrale. "The team at Super Evil Megacorp has emerged as one of the few independent, cross platform studios who are proven at being able to release award winning games, and all on our own EVIL engine enabling the best performance across the widest set of devices. Why we make games and what we believe in remains the same - to build the best shared gaming experiences. And we are excited to continue to build on our passion for pushing boundaries in the games space, native cross platform game design, and we are pursuing the best multiplayer action games.”

More UK opportunities

Interestingly while many firms are on a steady drive 'back to the office' post-Covid, SEMC are "doubling down" their 'all-remote' stance further, with details here. However, Segerstrale did take the opportunity to announce a new UK presence, including moving back to the country himself.

"After eight years in Menlo Park, CA and two in Portugal, I moved back to the UK - my home for many years and where I grew my first two game companies, Macrospace / Glu Mobile and Playfish," Segerstrale explains. "This move also represents an exciting new chapter for Super Evil, as it signals a new focus on the UK game industry talent pool for us through the opening of our UK entity.

"We have already started to collate some of the UK’s best talent to Super Evil, having recruited Viviane Costa, our Platform Technical Director, and Product Director Tom Westall, both based here in the UK in addition to a handful of others. In a time where many large scale companies are reducing headcount, Super Evil is on a growth path and we intend to significantly increase our UK-based developer headcount over the next three years."

Things have only got better

Super Evil Megacorp’s switch from pursuing esports with mixed success, to working on new AAA titles and their award-winning mobile game Catalyst Black (which won game of the year in Samsung Galaxy’s Best of Galaxy Store Awards 2022) is certainly quite the turnaround. Segerstrale has been the first to admit that - before his tenure - the company was making some erroneous decisions that simply weren’t paying off.

During Segerstrale’s tenure the company has turned itself around. The studio's story and success has been a perfect lesson of how changing your focus isn’t impossible, even late down the line.

Segerstrale was previously the recipient of a lifetime achievement award from Mobile Legends. Super Evil Megacorp has also rescued Vainglory, their pie-in-the-sky dream game, from a surprise shutdown by successor studio Rogue Games.