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Ex-Homa staff raise $1.5 million for UGC platform PlayMakers

Start-up aims to make suite of tools available to any developers looking to add user-generated content to their games
Ex-Homa staff raise $1.5 million for UGC platform PlayMakers
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Feb 27, 2024 investment PlayMakers $1.5m

Former Homa employees have raised $1.5 million in a pre-seeding funding round for new user-generated content platform PlayMakers.

The Paris-based company aims to build a suite of tools that can be used in any game that helps empower players to create their own content. Users will be able to use the tech to create assets such as 3D characters, animations, music and more.

PlayMakers was founded a year ago by former Homa publishing managers Ilan Nabeth and Costantino Carrega, and ex-Infineon Technologies automation engineer Maxime Niankouri.

The funding round was led by RockawayX, and also included Sandbox co-founder Sébastien Borget, co-founder of Sandbox, Homa founder Vincent Hart de Keatin, and former Xbox France MD Hugues Ouvard.

Community engagement

“With the rise of generative AI, more and more players are turning into creators,” said PlayMakers CEO Ilan Nabeth.

“It’s becoming easier to create valuable content, and players are historically extremely vocal. With PlayMakers, we are supporting small and big game studios, to involve their players in the game conception, with a dedicated and powerful platform.”

He added: “Our ambition is to create a new market standard, allowing players to create and submit new content to their favourite games, and be rewarded when it brings real value.

“Studios supported by PlayMakers will be able to grow their games at lightspeed, thanks to their passionate audience.”