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Studio Profile: Accumulate UK

Catch up with Accumulate at Mobile World Congress and find out about its Flexion wrapper solutions that provide flexible ways to retail games and apps, including Try & Buy, flexible pricing, and on-device retailing
Studio Profile: Accumulate UK

Accumulate UK Limited provides mobile retailing solutions to service providers under the Flexion brand. Flexion empowers mobile retailers to use innovative retailing models such as Try & Buy, flexible pricing, and on-device retailing to drive increased revenue from games and apps.

The service is primarily delivered through the innovative Flexion wrapper, which is compatible with any Android or Java game or app.

We're already working with some of the biggest names in the mobile content business. Customers to date include Hutchison 3G, Telefonica O2, Orange Group, Sony Ericsson, and service providers such as Buongiorno, Player X/Zed, and Aspiro.

Why do you need Flexion? - Bridging the gap

Accumulate has identified three critical issues that need to be addressed to allow the mobile games industry to grow further.

  • Low market penetration and low conversion
  • Low ARPU combined with increasing cost of games development
  • Limited and costly distribution of games and apps

Flexion bridges the gap by addressing all of these issues.

How does it work?

Flexion empowers operators, publishers, and service providers to be more creative in the retailing of their games.

Lack of retailing capabilities have been holding the industry back. Flexion has removed this block by empowering the retailer and the user.

  • Penetration and conversion is improved through reducing or removing the barriers to purchase.

Flexion gives the mobile retailer the ability to promote games with new pricing models. A retailer can cater to its customers’ preferences by adding a range of new options such as Try & Buy, rentals and subscription clubs.

  • ARPU is improved by getting new customers to spend on games and enticing existing customers to spend more.

Through Flexion’s dynamic pricing, tariffs are changeable at any time, giving the retailer complete control over pricing and licensing models.

  • Flexion enables one click purchase, on-device retailing, and removes the need for expensive and non-converting demo games, making it the best preload solution in the market.

On-device retailing is enabled through Flexion Discovery which provides retailers with a fully configurable on-device shop with every wrapped game or app.

Contact Us

There's more information on our website at:

To get in touch or arrange a meeting at the Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona e-mail us at: