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What are the mobile game monetisation trends of 2016?

Scientific Revenue CEO William Grosso tells all
What are the mobile game monetisation trends of 2016?

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016, Scientific Revenue CEO William Grosso took to the stage to give a talk on the game monetisation trends of 2016.

"The trend is that it's getting more and more complicated," said Grosso, adding that his talk would focus more on treating monetisation as a design discipline from the beginning.

On the right track

"People are not tracking their key metrics, people are not sure how their monetisation works," he added, pointing out that these are the best ways to make sure games are monetising properly.

He then went on to talk about developers using IAPs and the best practices for implementing rewarded video ads.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.