Home   >   Features Week That Was: Flappy Bird causes a flap, Dungeon Keeper creates a stir, and Puzzle & Dragons tops $1 billion

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions Week That Was: Flappy Bird causes a flap, Dungeon Keeper creates a stir, and Puzzle & Dragons tops $1 billion

This past week's headlines are the sort of fodder that give mobile a bad name to those in the console space.

While there was plenty of merit underneath the furore, most eyes were firmly fixed on the disruptive - and perhaps questionable - success of two unknown games, Flappy Bird and Red Bouncing Ball Spikes.

Then, there was the outcry against the monetisation strategies EA employed in Dungeon Keeper - all this after we'd just got over that business with King, Candy, and Sagas.

With any luck, next week will be quieter and we can put a better foot forward - but until then, let's take a look back at the week that was.

Tools and platforms


Industry voices

Discovery, user acquisition, and retention

Funding, acquisitions, personnel, and shutterings
