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Time for a new free app analytics tool

New ways to track what’s going on
Time for a new free app analytics tool

Given the vibrancy and levels of competition in the mobile game and app ecosystem - over $400 billions of annual revenues - it’s no surprise that getting the best data is vital to finding 

Of course, plenty of companies already offer market intelligence and data services to mobile game and app developers.

But a new year is always a good opportunity to check out new opportunities and that’s certainly the case in terms of the new service being offered by AppSimilar, which is currently available for free for early users. Can you give background about why you decided to develop AppSimilar?

We developed AppSimilar because most traditional analysis tools such as App Annie and Sensor Tower are becoming older and heavy, and aren’t suitable for small and medium-sized businesses.

We want to build a modern app analysis tool; something that is simple and convenient.

Why do you think people should use AppSimilar?

Although there are lots of products providing market data on mobile apps, AppSimilar's data update will be faster and we update every day.

“We want to build a modern app analysis tool; something that is simple and convenient.”

We will also have more data dimensions, such as traffic, gender, age, etc.

What features do you think help AppSimilar stand out from the competition?

We are more focused on discovering new and excellent apps. By combining the analysis of our traffic, reviews and other data, we can better find apps with potential.

Our upcoming competitive product tracking and ASO analysis will also be key features.

Can you explain how you ensure your data is as accurate as possible?

Our data comes from app stores, developers, third-party platforms, and our own predictive models. We have multi-dimensional cross-validation of our data.

What’s your business model?

Currently, because we are in the early stages of promotion, AppSimilar is free

In the future, we will launch more functions and reasonable price packages to meet the needs of small and medium-sized customers

What’s on your roadmap for AppSimilar?

In the future, we will provide more app analysis metrics, such as app reviews and demographics, which will be launched soon. ASO metrics will also be introduced.

You can check out AppSimilar here.