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Schedule for PG Connects Helsinki 2014 is finalised with Supercell, King, Rovio, Creative Mobile, EA, Revolution and more

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Schedule for PG Connects Helsinki 2014 is finalised with Supercell, King, Rovio, Creative Mobile, EA, Revolution and more

As the big day draws ever closer, we've entered the feature lock phase of Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2014, and drawn a line under the jam-packed two-day agenda.

So we thought you might like to cast one last glance over the astonishing list of industry leaders gathering in Helsinki on June 16-17, so you can grab a ticket before the price increase tonight.

The schedule is interspered throughout with networking breaks, lunches and lavishness, but for now we just want to give you a rundown of some of the hot sessions, panels and talks we've got planned.

Monday 16 June: The Finnside Track, Trends, Investment & More, and The Very Big Indie Pitch

The doors open for registration bright an early at 09:00, and hits the ground running as Finnish game industry hub Playa runs its Finniside track. 

This is a full day of learnings from the success of the Finnish industry, including case studies and panels from the leading companies in the scene, as well as fireside chats with Rovio and a history of the Finnish industry. 

The keynotes also kick off early in PG Connects Track 2, where you can learn about engaging the under 18s market, how to make your game go viral, working with the games press, social gaming trends, monetisation models, fundraising practises and so much more.


At the same time we'll be launching into the indie section of PG Connects, initially through the I Love Indie Showcase where devs can demo their hot wares to the eager crowds before they jump headlong into The Very Big Indie Pitch.

This speed-dating session connects indie studios with leading media outlets to help them get discovered, get some insightful feedback, and even win some epic promotional prizes.

If you're interested in taking part in The Very Big Indie Pitch, you've still got time to register and submit your game.

The early evening will introduce a round of fast-paced five-minute presentations in the entertaining PechaKucha style, as a host of game creatives fire out their super-fast wisdom.

The Very Big Indie Pitch winners will be announced around then too, so congratulatory back-slapping will be a prerequisite.

And then it's time for a special Pocket Gamer Mobile Gaming Quiz, including for booze, good company and valuable networking opportunities.

VIP guests and ticket holders will also be eligable to attend our VIP dinner at Ravintola Brasserie, which promises to be sophisticated as balls.

TUuesday 17 June: East Meets West, and Indie Rock Stars

Day two kicks off at 09:00, and runs two simultaneous tracks throughout the day.

East Meets West launches into some great keynote talks from the likes of King, Rovio, Creative Mobile, Supercell, MAG Interactive, DropForge Games and more, where you can get the insider info on picking the perfect title for your game, licensing secrets, wargaming adaptations, markating on a shoestring and global domination.

The afternoon plays host to similar keynotes with luminaries from the region offering first-hand advice on subjects such as game publishing in China, localisation, stats from Japan and Korea, and a host of panels chaired by companies including Hitcents, GameGrapes, Sky-mobi, NTT Docomo and more.


Running alongside these sessions is an indie-themed track, which will offer insight from the likes of Frogmind, Revolution Software, Vlambeer, TAG Games, Tin Man Games and others who'll cover all the subjects that indie game studios need to immerse themselves in.

A booth cruise rounds out the Pocket Gamer Connects extravaganza, all nicely topped off with an all-night party as only Pocket Gamer knows how. Don't book your flights home too early on Wednesday, if you catch our drift.

You can check out the whole agenda over on the official Pocket Gamer Connects website, where you can also grab your ticket.

And on the day we've a mobile-formatted companion site ready to guide you around the sessions so bookmark this page on your phones now: