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Steel Media and Reliance Games unite to launch Pocket Gamer Connects India in Bangalore

The next big market unwrapped
Steel Media and Reliance Games unite to launch Pocket Gamer Connects India in Bangalore

Steel Media, publisher of, has announced plans to take its Pocket Gamer Connects conference to Bangalore, India, in 2015.

Working with leading global games publisher Reliance Games headquartered in India, the event – scheduled for 16-17 April – will be PGC’s first foray into the Asian market, aiming to connect the biggest names from established markets in Europe, North America and Asia with the next wave of mobile developers and consumers in India and Southeast Asia.

“Pocket Gamer Connects has already established itself as the leading mobile games event in the Western world, catering to over 1,500 of the global mobile games industry's top professionals in 2014 alone through its inaugural events in London and Helsinki,” said Steel Media Managing Director Chris James.  

"In 2015, we're looking to go bigger and better still, doubling our roster to four international events awith the addition of San Francisco andour first Asian show in Bangalore, India.”

Presented in partnership with Reliance Games, PG Connects Bangalore will retain the key ingredients that have made the recipe so successful: distinctive, short-form lectures from smart, engaged speakers aimed at providing insight and inspiration, with honest panel sessions offering frank opinion and advice. There will also be intensive networking and fringe events to further bolster the growth of invaluable connections.

“Whether you’re a major industry CEO or an indie developer or student on the verge of creating the next big breakout hit, we’re committed to delivering an experience that offers something of real-world value to everyone who attends,” said Manish Agarwal, CEO of Reliance Entertainment Digital.

“We’re excited to work with Steel Media to create something with a uniquely regional flavor, connecting a global industry with a local audience through constructive information and relationship-building.”

Information network

The two-day show will feature three tracks: East meets West; Indie Academy; and Bonus Level.

  • East meets West will offer insight into different global market opportunities, looking at the established U.S.& European markets, the red-hot Asian trio of China, Korea and Japan, as well as the next wave of emerging markets in India and Southeast Asia.In each case, PGC Bangalore will provide useful data and trend information, practical tips and guidance from experts in the market and teachable experiences (both good and bad) from those who have attempted to enter those markets from abroad.

  • The Indie Academy will focus much more on the nuts and bolts of game making and running a development business. From raising funds and establishing a studio and business model to crafting creative concepts, designing great assets, and acquiring, engaging and monetizing players, this will be an effective Indie Developer 101.

  • The Bonus Level sessions will provide insight into the next generation of technologies, market niches and models that will shape the industry in the years ahead.

  • Indies will get a further chance to shine at the Very Big Indie Pitch competition and I ♥ Indie Showcase expo area, providing even greater opportunities for exposure with PGC’s advanced business networking tool and the infamous, obligatory Pocket Gamer after-party.

More to follow

More informationon Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore’s special speakers and events will be unveiled  over the coming weeks on the conference's official website. However speaker submissions to the event are now open, as well as advanced ticket sales.

A taste of what is to come at PGC Bangalore, including a talk from Reliance Games CEO Manish Agarwal, will be presented at Pocket Gamer Connects London in January. For more details, or to sign up for PGC London tickets, please visit the official site.