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Tencent dominated China's Android marketplaces in May, according to Newzoo

Takes 44.5% of top 100 grossing revenues
Tencent dominated China's Android marketplaces in May, according to Newzoo

Newzoo has released its report on the top Android games in China for May 2016.

It finds that publishing giant Tencent took 44.5% of the revenues of the top 100 grossing Android games, with 23 of its games appearing in the top 100.

Royal flush

Clash Royale found its way to the number 3 most downloaded spot on the 360 Mobile Assistant stores, and the number 6 most downloaded game on the Baidu Mobile Assistant store.

It is expected to reach the higher ranks of Tencent's own Myapp store now that the publisher has acquired Supercell.

Make your own fun

The report also identifies sandbox games as a market with big potential in the future, as a potentially illegitimate version of Terraria was the 32nd highest grossing game across all Android stores.

Meanwhile, with Minecraft the 2nd highest grossing game and little competition currently in the market, sandbox games could be a potential new avenue for developers.

You can read the full report over on Newzoo's website.