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DeNA sees small revenue increase as it focuses in on Japan and China

Stepping away from the economic uncertainty of the rest of the world
DeNA sees small revenue increase as it focuses in on Japan and China

Japanese developer DeNA (TYO:2432) has posted its financials for its FY16 Q1 period, ending 30 June 2016.

It revealed overall revenues of around $378 million, up 1.5% year-on-year, of which $258 million was from its games business, down 7.7% year-on-year.

Staying home

In-game coin sales performed well in Japan, maintaining steady sales on mobile games and apps but suffering a loss on browser games.

DeNA pointed to the economic uncertainty in the rest of the world as a possible reason why its sales suffered, but noted that the Japanese economy made a slight recovery in this financial period.

Because of the this, the company is looking to focus its attention on making games for Japan, as well as growing further in China, and releasing the rest of its games that are due out in partnership with Nintendo.

"Our revenue and operating profit for the first quarter exceeded our guidance," said Isao Moriyasu, President and CEO of DeNA.

"We are making solid progress towards achieving profit growth in the fiscal year 2016."