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IronSource opens office in Bangalore to bring ad mediation platform to India

Opens new office in Bangalore
IronSource opens office in Bangalore to bring ad mediation platform to India
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Nov 22, 2016 partnership IronSource Not disclosed

Isreal-based mediation platform IronSource has opened a new office in Bangalore and partnered with India's Omnicom Media Group Programmatic.

The partnership will allow India-based developers easier access to IronSource's mediation platform, allowing them better access to video ads and the company's mobile web inventory.

"With superior targeting technology, a commitment to transparency and a huge amount of scaled direct supply, ironSource is in a unique position to work with leading agencies, like OMG, to help their clients run a variety of campaigns," said Omri Henkin, MD of ironSource India and SEA.

"Whether it's a video campaign for brand awareness with engagement built-in, or a large-scale app install campaign, we're working to help our partners connect with the Indian consumer in effective ways that drive awareness, engagement and measurable ROI."

High completion rates

OMG said it chose to partner with IronSource after seeing higher completion rates than with other services. The partnership also benefits IronSource by giving it better access to the growing India market.

"With ironSource, we were seeing 80% to 85% completion rate, as compared to 60% to 65% rates from other industry players, so it was a clear choice for us," said Anil Pandit, VP OMG Programmatic, India.

"Omnicom's philosophy has always been to be ahead of the curve when it comes to innovation in digital and mobile, and with the ironSource partnership we're proud to offer our top-level brand clients the dual benefits of premium video inventory and scalable audience targeting."