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Mobile a key driver for Nintendo's growth in Asia and Middle East

Access to IP leads to strong Switch sales, says company president
Mobile a key driver for Nintendo's growth in Asia and Middle East

Nintendo's outgoing president Tatsumi Kimishima has credited its mobile games as a driver for increased sales in Asia, the Middle East and 'other' territories.

During the financials Q&A, Kimishima said the cause of increased sales for the Nintendo Switch console was due to “the expanding number of people who have access to Nintendo IP through our smart-device business”.

He added he expects the scale of its business in these regions to continue to expand.

“I cannot say with certainty how large the market will grow, but we do plan to work on expanding the scale of it," said Kimishima.

"We especially want to expand the business in Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America.”

Strong global sales

In total Nintendo has sold more than 17.79 million Switch consoles since launch. While the Americas represented its biggest market, the ‘other’ region beat out Japan hardware sales.

Nintendo’s most successful mobile game to date has been RPG Fire Emblem Heroes, which has found much of its success in Japan. Of the estimated $300 million Nintendo has generated from mobile, that title is thought to have generated the most.

As Nintendo looks to expand its mobile operations it has acquired a five per cent stake in Japanese developer Cygames, which will work on brand new mobile IP Dragalia Lost.

The console giant also has another potential blockbuster game set to land by March 2019 in Mario Kart Tour, if it’s able to translate the premium experience on to mobile devices.

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