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Investor Connector at Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong - applications are open!

Don’t miss out on the chance to get one-one-one meetings with investors - or games companies seeking funding - at next month’s two day games industry conference
Investor Connector at Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong - applications are open!

Brand new for 2019, Investor Connector allows anyone looking for funding for their projects in the games industry the chance to meet one-on-one with investors.

Taking place during Blockhain Gamer and Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong, July 17th and 18th, Investor Connector is free and open to all attendees.

This curated session will connect games companies - or individuals - with an investor looking to spend the right kind of money in the right sector. And we are looking for both to get involved!

How it works

We’ll set aside a quiet space during the conference where pre-selected applicants looking for funding and investors looking for opportunities will connect with each other to discuss their potential involvement.

We won’t pry too much, but we’ll ask you a few questions ahead of time and match your answers with investors, such as how much funding you’re looking for and a few details about you.

Investors will want to hear about your vision, who’s on the team, what the business model is and what you would use the money for. Let us know the details using this form by Tuesday 9th July (if you can't view the form in your region, please email

Conference attendees and investors welcome

Investor Connector is only open to registered attendees of Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong 2019, as well as investors looking to get involved. We are looking for both!

We will be checking if you are registered with our show, and if you’re not, why?! Book here!

Good luck!