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Check out the Instant Games and Hyper-casual track at Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong

Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong will run from July 17th to 18th
Check out the Instant Games and Hyper-casual track at Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong

With less than a month to go until Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong takes place on July 17th and 18th, we’re taking the opportunity to highlight the nine tracks on offer at the event (plus there's also seven tracks over on Blockchain Gamer Connects).

In the build-up, we will be looking at one specific track daily to give you a better idea of what to expect.

Today we’re looking at Instant Games and Hyper-casual, which will be discussing how to take advantage of the ever-growing casual market. With instant messenger platforms now a key component of how players discover games, our experts will be sharing their secrets using success stories that have developed from one-click games.

July 18th

14:00 - Opening the floor, we have COCOS2D technical director Huabin Lin hosting a must-see keynote on technical solutions for hyper-casual developers.

14:20 - Superera VP of publishing Joe (Zhou) Tang then follows with a session on both the design and publishing aspects to creating a successful idle game.

14:40 - Next Black Snowflake Games founder and CEO Filipp Karmanov will be covering the importance of messenger/social platforms. Here the HTML5 game developer will highlight how much of a difference embedding a game within these platforms can make by weighing up the advantages and disadvantages.

15:00 - We round out this track with an exciting speed panel pitting instant games against hyper-casual against casual. Panellists include Gamejam co-founder and CEO Christian Calderon, ByteDance senior director of overseas business Tom van Dam and Tencent product operations manager Daniel Concha Zegarra.

These sessions are from just one of the nine tracks taking place at the show the year.

You can check out our full schedule to see the other impressive speakers attending, though be sure to check back for updates as we get closer to the event.

Like what you see? There’s still time to register for Pocket Gamer Connect Hong Kong right here.