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Your next business partner, investor, client is waiting at a Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong 2019 networking event

Don’t miss these fringe events included in our upcoming b2b conference
Your next business partner, investor, client is waiting at a Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong 2019 networking event

 There are just 15 days until Pocket Gamer and Blockchain Gamer Connects Hong Kong 2019.

We want to make you aware of fringe events taking place at the conference. They're a great way to meet other attendees. Who knows? This could be how you make that one vital connection who transforms your business.

There are still spaces to sign up. You need a ticket first though! Only registered attendees can take advantage of most of these sessions…

1. Investor Connector

If you’re a developer looking for funding, or an investor looking for the next big games opportunity, this session is for you.

We will set aside a quiet space during the conference where pre-selected studios and companies will get to connect one-on-one to discuss their potential involvement. This is a curated session and successful applicants will undergo an approval process.

Interested developers/publishers looking to be considered, and investors willing to take part in the meetings, should buy a ticket to the conference then apply ASAP. Head here for more information.

2. Publisher SpeedMatch

Alternatively, perhaps you’re a developer who needs a publisher, or a publisher looking to sign a new studio to your label?

The SpeedMatch session will enable shortlisted developers and publishers to make initial contact during a dedicated stint of speed-date style meetings. These short meets aren’t obviously designed for closing a deal, but enable an initial contact that can be followed up later.

If you’re interested in taking part simply fill in the application form at our official site. Head here for more information.

3. Pitch and Match

Networking, networking and more networking. It’s the foundation on which our Connects conferences are built.

As part of the Connects experience, you’ll have full access to the Connects Pitch & Match meeting service that has been made freely available for all registered delegates to use in order to arrange meetings at the event.

The system is live now and ticket holders have received their activation emails. Head here for more information.

4. The Very Big Indie Pitch

One of the best things a developer can do to raise awareness of their game – and also one of the most fun part of any Connects event!

If you are a small studio working on a new iOS, Android or Switch game (blockchain is fine too, as long as it works on a mobile platform) then register to show it off at the Very Big Indie Pitch!

You’ll engage in a speed-dating-style pitching competition where you’ll present your game to a panel of experts, press, publishers and other developers. Every game that’s accepted into the pitch will receive press coverage and feedback on their project. And the lucky winners will walk away with prizes too, including promotional packages for their game on our network of sites.

This is one that you CAN apply for without a ticket to the rest of the conference – we’ll throw one in for free, if you’re accepted. Head here for more information.

Don’t miss out! Register now for the July 17th to 18th Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong 2019 at Cyberport – we’ll see you there. The schedule is available now so you can see who’s delivering lectures and panels too.