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Don’t miss the 2019 IMGA China Launch Seminar in Shanghai this August

It's great for networking, and our readers get 30% off the price of tickets
Don’t miss the 2019 IMGA China Launch Seminar in Shanghai this August

Heading to the huge ChinaJoy event in August? Start your Shanghai journey right by attending the legendary IMGA China Launch Seminar and Networking Party the day before.

Taking place at Shanghai's Pudong Shangri-La hotel, the full day event features meetings, media opportunities, four hours of talks and panels, plus a cocktail party for networking.


9:00 am One to one meetings between oversea developers and Chinese app stores and publishers

1:00 pm Media room: an opportunity for interviews with local gaming media

2:00 pm IMGA China seminar with speakers from leading companies like Tencent, Oppo, Xiaomi, Tiktok, and many others.

5:30 pm Google Play keynote speech

5:50 pm Launch ceremony for the 2019 IMGA China awards, and group photo

6:00 pm Cocktail party (at the seminar venue)

Afterwards, at around 8:30 pm, the nearby One Google party takes place so you may want to decamp over there.

The IMGA is the mobile gaming industry's long-running showcase for groundbreaking innovations, displaying exceptional quality and new trends in mobile entertainment, whether the games are made for the iPhone, for Android, or other platforms.

The rapid rise of Chinese mobile games has seen Chinese-made titles close the gap with their international counterparts. IMGA China, our media partner, has a mission is to find the best mobile games in China and introduce them to the world.

Every year IMGA China hosts a series of high-level B2B meet-ups between leading foreign game studios, top Chinese Android stores, mobile carriers decision makers, industrial influencers, and more. This coming seminar day is the launch event for IMGA China's 2019 activities. Pocket Gamer representatives will be there so do please look out for us.

You can book your tickets now, with 30 per cent off the price, using our partner link here.

If you're investigating the Asian scene at the moment, you might also be interested in our own Pocket Gamer Connects Hong Kong 2019 conference, and the South Korean event G-STAR.