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Kwalee to open its first international studio in India

Located in Bangalore
Kwalee to open its first international studio in India

Mobile games publisher and developer Kwalee has revealed plans to open its first overseas studio.

The new office is based in Bangalore, India. Working closely with the UK team, the new studio will work across all areas of the business. Currently, it is hiring for game art, game design, publishing talent acquisition, and more.

Due to the time difference between the countries, Kwalee's studios will each be able to handle tasks outside the working hours for each office. Recently, the British firm claimed it would open its vacancies to remote workers.

Last month, in a guest post, we caught up with Kwalee head of development Simon Platt to discuss what remote work has taught the company about its culture.

Strategic expansion

"We have long been a global company in terms of the developers we collaborate with and the players we reach, but we felt it was important to commit to this further by expanding beyond the UK and into Asia," said Kwalee CEO David Darling (pictured)

"Bangalore being an established IT and gaming hub with a deep talent pool and international recognition, it was an obvious choice for us. Of course, the current worldwide situation with COVID-19 might mean that a traditional studio opening is put on hold, but we're excited to expand our team across both Bangalore and Leamington Spa, for the two studios to develop as a harmonious unit, and eventually meet the new team in person."