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Pokemon Cafe Mix stirs up five million downloads

It was released on June 23rd
Pokemon Cafe Mix stirs up five million downloads

The Pokemon Company's puzzle title Pokemon Cafe Mix has stirred up five million downloads worldwide.

As announced in a site update, the impressive milestone has been hit almost two months after the game was rolled out on Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS devices.

However, it is interesting to note that earlier this month, was informed by Sensor Tower that the game had accumulated 2.9 million downloads in its first month on mobile devices. There were 1.7 million and 1.2 million on Google Play and the App Store, respectively.

From August 16th until August 29th, players that log in to the game will receive a free gift, 5,000 acorns, as well as three of whistle puzzle powers. Furthermore, eight-generation starter Pokemon Grookey will appear as a special customer from August 11th to August 25th.


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"In addition to Grookey's limited-time appearance, you can also expect to see other Pokémon stopping by your café," said the Pokemon Company.

"Be on the lookout for visits from Wobbuffet, Buizel, and Audino. Like other Pokémon customers, serving them enough delicious dishes will convince them to come work at your café. And we've heard tell that the Mythical Pokémon Celebi might looking to grab a snack at some point in the future."

Pokemon Cafe Mix was initially too empty content-wise for our editor to consider returning after finishing it within two days of launch, but a later examination of its monetisation reveals that he's actually hooked.