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Highlights from the 2021 Huawei Developer Conference

The highlights from the 2021 Huawei Developer Conference (HDC) are now live and online to enable developers and publishers to catch up with all of the keynotes
Highlights from the 2021 Huawei Developer Conference

The Huawei Developer Conference 2021 (HDC 2021) took place from Octobre 22nd to 24th, attracting developers and publishers around the world to learn more about Huawei's vision of building a smart, safe, and flourishing ecosystem, with - and for - its partners.

Highlights from the event can be found on the HDC site, or via YouTube.

The conference started with the opening keynote: On Track to Map the Future, which included updates on the latest on HarmonyOS and Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) Core 6, with advice from Huawei speakers about how to leverage new technologies.

Driving innovation and disruption

Huawei reaffirmed its commitment to helping developers drive innovation, disruption, and business expansion, offering new tools and technologies to empower them to create new and unique experiences for gamers globally.

Speaking at the conference, Alexandre Salem, Global Director, Global Partnerships & Eco-Development Business Department, Huawei Consumer Business Group, shared the growing gaming trends that developers should be aware of, as well as the solutions and opportunities that AppGallery can provide to help them to grow and succeed overseas.

During the session, Salem shared how gaming has grown in momentum over the past year, turning into a $175 billion industry in 2020, with mobile gaming the fastest-growing segment.

Now accounting for 48 per cent of all gaming revenues in 2020, it’s up 13 per cent from the previous year. In terms of the player base, the momentum is also very positive. In 2020 there were more than 2.8 billion players globally, an increase of 6.4 per cent compared to 2019.

Huawei also outlined how AppGallery was committed to providing developers in the gaming sector with the technological capabilities, full-spectrum support, and commercial opportunities they need to succeed in an increasingly complex and competitive environment.

Salem highlighted four key pillars that provide attractive value propositions for developers and publishers to partner with AppGallery:

  • scale
  • speed
  • discoverability
  • monetisation

Huawei also announced that AppGallery has updated its total number of developers, apps, and users: AppGallery is available in more than 170 countries and regions with over 560 million monthly active users globally. The tech giant has partnered with 5.1 million developers across the globe, with total downloads reaching 332.2 billion in the first three quarters of 2021.

As of October 2021, over 173,000 applications have integrated with HMS Core worldwide.

Comprehensive support for developers

As an example, leading game developer Gameloft worked with AppGallery to launch multiple games on the platform, including four major titles including Asphalt 9 Legends, March of Empires, War Planet Online, and Dragon Mania Legends.

The close partnership created a console-like gaming experience for consumers and resulted in an over 70 per cent increase in downloads in the first three months of launch.

Through the suite of services such as AppGallery, Petal Search, Petal Maps, and HUAWEI Ads, Huawei offers developers the resources needed to increase discoverability, and develop monetisation strategies.

Global marketplace

To help developers navigate and successfully launch their apps in overseas markets, Huawei also offers overseas developers all-rounded assistance, from policy consulting to product localisation, to support user acquisition and monetisation. With over 10 years of distribution experience, AppGallery is well-placed to help international developers unlock business opportunities and succeed in the expanding global market.

Rewatch the HDC gaming sessions here. You can also check out the newest and hottest games on AppGallery.