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Chart of the Week: Amazon's Prime-r on distribution vs monetisation

How to maximise your web app's potential
Chart of the Week: Amazon's Prime-r on distribution vs monetisation

Often, it's the basics that are key to achieving success - and it doesn't get much more basic than the graph Amazon's developer portal published this week.

Aimed to helping HTML5 and web apps monetise efficiently, the distribution vs. monetization model put forward by Amazon provides some key strategies for how to proceed and thrive in a "post PC world".

We'll forgive any skepticism you might have about anything being hidden in such a spartan chart, but there's a lot to think about here.

Between the dots

Taken at a glance, the chart reads as follows: the ideal is a broad distribution base with a high rate of monetisation. Web apps cast a wide net but, traditionally, monetise behind native apps. The native apps, by contrast, have a laser-like focus that sees high rates of monetisation but relatively poor distribution.

The logic then follows neatly that you'll have better chances at monetisation if you have a larger distribution base.

The key to applying this to mobile is that while each major platform - iOS, Android, and Windows Phone - has its own native app store, each device also has web browsing capabilities and, thus, can access a web app. At least, in theory.

A problem arises, however, in how to get an HTML5 app onto these devices so it can monetise efficiently without 'forking' a game with multiple code bases.

Conveniently, Amazon took steps to solve this problem in its own appstore just two weeks ago - when it changed its policy and enabled developers to set prices for HTML5 apps, thus placing them on equal footing with native apps.

So if you're looking to experiment with this new type of distribution model, Amazon's appstore is a fine place to start.

[source: Amazon]