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Burning question: what would the UK games industry look like after Brexit?

In our new feature, we want to hear what YOU think of the latest hot topic. And right now, that’s Brexit.
Burning question: what would the UK games industry look like after Brexit?

Yeah, we’re going there. In the week of the latest UK general election, we’re just getting Brexit right out in the open and shining the white-hot light of games industry opinion on it.

UPDATE: your comments are in, and we've published them in this Brexit story.

This week we’re kicking off a new series in which we invite you to share your thoughts on a burning question from the games industry scene.

We’ll be looking at everything from toxic work culture to UA trends.

But today, it’s politics. Strap yourself in and prepare to share your thoughts in the comment section below, on social media (use hashtag #PGBurningQuestion) or by email

What would the UK games industry look like after Brexit?

With the UK rushing to the polls on Thursday, the possibility of a hard Brexit looms ever bigger. What will be the main impact on the games industry? 

If you make, publish, promote or sell games, how are you preparing for Britain’s imminent-sometime-possible departure from the EU? What sort of Brexit would favour your business most?

Perhaps nothing will change. Or maybe everything will change and our £5bn industry will struggle in 2020. Do UK gamers need to start stockpiling Switch cartridges now, or something?


And remember, you can continue the discussion at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2020, where there is a Brexit panel on January 20. Come along and hear from the experts. Schedule revealed today!