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Unreal Engine 3 now available for iOS developers to license

Project Sword and Epic Citadel shows what can be done
Unreal Engine 3 now available for iOS developers to license

Following on from its talk at GDC 2010 about the problems of porting its C++ game engine to iPhone, Epic Games has finally announced that Unreal Engine 3 now works on iPhone.

Demonstrating its new Project Sword game, which is being developed by Chair, who made the Shadow Complex XBLA game, the graphics running on an iPhone 4 were amazing.

Looking good

Running around an Assassin's Creed-style medieval city from a first person perspective, the game demonstrated great fillrate with no pop up of graphics despite a long draw distance. Also demonstrated were detailed surfaces such as brick walls, shiny armour, foliage, realtime shadows and fluttering flags.

You can get some idea from the Epic Citadel app based on Project Sword's architecture. 

You can also read about the full technical specs of the demo here.

More significant that the game itself though, is the news that Unreal Engine 3 is now available for other developers to license for iPhone games.

It's available as part of the usual Unreal Development Kit licensing deal, which is free upfront with a $99 release fee and royalty backend of 25 percent after the first $5,000 in revenue.  

You'll get the full engine license, not just a mobile version of the technology, although it only works for 3GS class hardware and above. 

More details are available at the Unreal Engine website