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Samsung apps celebrates first anniversary, plans aggressive expansion

When 109 markets just isn't enough
Samsung apps celebrates first anniversary, plans aggressive expansion

Launched in just three territories with initial plans to roll out to 30, one year on Samsung Apps - the firm's first major mobile marketplace - currently has 109 markets on board across the globe.

However, the Korean giant doesn't intend to stop there, with Samsung confirming it is planning further, aggressive, market expansion for the platform, with the marketplace's first anniversary serving only to fuel its longterm ambitions.

Eye on expansion

"The expansion of Samsung Apps gives us the opportunity to reach more users than ever before with entertaining, compelling and enriching smartphone experiences," said executive VP and head of Samsung's Media Solutions Center, Hosoo Lee.

"We are committed to introducing users to new applications and services, unique to Samsung. Samsung Apps' rapid expansion also signals an incredible opportunity for developers and content providers to reach new customers all over the world."

The marketplace already has a global, and seemingly most crucially, multicultural base to build on.

Local love-in

Its nine most recent additions - Costa Rica, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Iceland, Nicaragua, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago and Sudan certainly signify Samsung's intentions to hit both western and emerging markets in one swoop.

However, giving the platform a more local edge appears to be the next target.

Samsung claims it wants to drive the creation of more customised apps designed to reflect cultural characteristics in the coming months.