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Core tablet game developer Industrial Toys raises $5 million

Accel Partners leads the charge
Core tablet game developer Industrial Toys raises $5 million
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Apr 1, 2014 investment Accel Partners Industrial Toys $5m

US tablet-focused developer Industrial Toys has raised $5 million in its first funding round.

Accel Partners, which was an early investor in Rovio and Supercell and also currently has a stake in German developer Flaregames, was the lead investor.

Formed by Alex Seropian, a co-founder of Halo developer Bungie, Industrial Toys is currently preparing for the beta testing stage of its core tablet sci-fi shooter Midnight Star.

And there's more

Pointing to the opportunity arising for core games on tablets, Accel Partners' Vas Natarajan commented, "The opportunity to 'activate' core gamers is even bigger [than casual or mid-core], the content just hasn't been there.

"Alex and team are developing for the gamers who've largely been underserved in this push to mobile."

You can find out more about Midnight Star via its website.