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Supercell and King investor Index Ventures raises $550 million

Consumer mobile is a core sector for future deals
Supercell and King investor Index Ventures raises $550 million
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Jun 10, 2014 investment Index Ventures $550m

There are a lot of venture capital firms.

Each has a speciality in terms of which sectors it invests in and when in a company's lifetime.

And they all have a bunch of cash to invest... in ventures: hence the name.

And now London-based Index Ventures has a bunch more cash to throw around.

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It's just announced it's raised $550 million to continue building its portfolio of companies.

It invests mainly in European companies (also some Israeli and US) across a wide range of sectors, from enterprise, networks and financial services to mobile consumer companies.

Indeed, the reason we're covering the news is that over the years, Index Ventures has invested in the likes of Supercell and King, not to forget Playfish and Mind Candy, each of which has been massively profitable for investors like Index Ventures.

The mobile games M&A bubble doesn't look like it's going to pop anytime soon.

[source: Index Ventures]