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What NOT to do at a games conference

The top 9 things you should avoid at all costs
What NOT to do at a games conference

Love 'em, loathe 'em, or shrug your shoulders nonchalantly at 'em, conferences are a fact of life for the consumate gaming professional.

E3, GDC, Pocket Gamer Connects, SXSW, Casual Connect, and Gamescom are just a handful of the hundreds of events that fill up our calendars each year.

Oops, I did it again

But once you've agonised over which ones you're going to go to, your problems are not yet through.

A single conference hall is teeming with mishaps, misunderstandings, hiccups, and faux pas. 

To save you from some avoidable knuckle-biting awkwardness, we've put together a short video charting (from experience) the top nine things that any savvy gamer worth their conference salt should avoid. 
