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6 videos on mobile games industry trends for 2017 from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco

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6 videos on mobile games industry trends for 2017 from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco

Did you miss Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2017? Well fear not! We have all the sessions available for your viewing pleasure.

We’ve put together a list of the videos from the InduTrends track right here, all just a few clicks away.

The sessions focus on the leading trends at the heart of the mobile games industry for 2017.

Specifically, you'll find:

  • Game video streaming: Your game is being watched more than it is being played
  • Secrets to optimising your mobile game live ops
  • Licensed games masterclass
  • Meta-feature trends in social casino games
  • New UX in mobile social games
  • Engineering success: The CSR Racing 2 story

Click the link below to watch the videos.

Game video streaming: Your game is being watched more than it is being played


The games market has always been about people playing video games. Recently, the “”people playing games”” experience has extended into “”people watching others playing games””.

In just eight years, the video streaming of games has reached 30% of the total games consumption, and is foreseen to overtake classic playing of games in the next five years. Yet so far nobody has measured what soon will be the dominant consumption of games.

Forced by this trend, game developers need to better understand the consumption of their games and the competition, as well as to adapt their games making them fun to be watched and streamed.

PlayStats was launched at PGC San Francisco. PlayStats has already indexed nine million game play videos, mapping the “watch”” consumption of PC, mobile, console and browser games.

Secrets to optimising your mobile game live ops


In this talk, Scott Humphries, Head of Product Development at Amber Studios, unveils new findings from the first annual Amber live ops Playbook.

Humphries discusses different methodologies for attacking live ops, how to approach live ops from an optimisation standpoint, best ways to monetise etc.

The discussion will uses various case studies to highlight the importance of the more “block and tackle” processes like events, ad optimisation and the first-time user experience.

Licensed games masterclass


Have you ever wanted to create a great game with a great brand? Navigating these waters are tricky and this primer will give you the tools you need to find, secure, and operate an amazing branded game.

Get pragmatic advice from the CEO of a small studio that was able to secure three major licenses in the last year.

Meta-feature trends in social casino games


Liquid And Grit Editor-in-Chief Brett Nowak discusses the biggest trends in the social casino gaming space.

New UX in mobile social games


InnoSpark Chairman Daniel Cho discusses new ways to developer the mobile user experience to maximise success.

Engineering success: The CSR Racing 2 story


NaturalMotion CSR Racing 2 GM Julian Widdows discusses how it made the sequel the number one racing game in the world.

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We hope you enjoyed the videos, more of which you can find on the YouTube channel.

We look forward to seeing you at future events!