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Which mobile game site has the strictest reviews?

The Quality Index for Q1 2008 reveals all
Which mobile game site has the strictest reviews?

The third and final bit of analysis from our Quality Index for Q1 2008 (previous QI include which company makes the best mobile games and the best review scoring mobile titles) concerns the mobile game review sites themselves. Specifically, how many games are they reviewing, and how strict are they?

The following table gives you the basic info, sorted from highest to lowest average score. Remember, this covers all reviews published during the first quarter of 2008:

Site No. of Reviews Average Score
AirGamer 70 8.00
Mobile Game FAQs 46 7.66
Midlet Review 25 7.60
IGN Wireless 29 7.21
Pocket Gamer 143 6.66

Obviously, Pocket Gamer is a sister site of, so I'm going to steer clear of any value judgements or speculation about other sites' policies.

One thing worth noting about Pocket Gamer is the much higher number of reviews due to syndication deals with the likes of Vodafone Live and Samsung, meaning that the site is reviewing a much wider spread of games, and thus more poor-quality titles.

Anyway, one positive point about this research is that, if you take all 313 reviews into account during Q1, the average score was 7.43. Which appears good news for the overall quality level of mobile games.

Let us know your views, though. Meanwhile, we're looking to expand the number of sites covered next time, with several having already been recommended, or got in touch. Keep 'em coming!