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Hot Five: Top video game acquisitions, Activision Blizzard strike and Jam City scraps SPAC

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Hot Five: Top video game acquisitions, Activision Blizzard strike and Jam City scraps SPAC

To help you keep on top of a busy news cycle and the latest hot topics in mobile gaming, each week we round up the five most-read stories on

Read on and digest…

1. 10 biggest video game acquisitions of all time

Mergers and acquisitions are frequent in the games industry, with companies aiming to expand their portfolio and reach across the ever-growing games market.

With that, we examined the top 10 biggest video game acquisitions of all time and why those acquisitions were made.

2. "Hiring managers should actively seek candidates from underrepresented groups"

As part of our POC in Mobile series, we spoke to Pocket Gems product manager Nihit Sinha about growing up in India, how games are not taken seriously in certain cultures and what more needs to be done by hiring and senior managers to address the lack of diversity.

3. Update: Over 3,000 Activision Blizzard staff push back at company’s response to allegations

Over 3,000 Activision Blizzard employees have now signed a petition showing their dissatisfaction with how senior management responded to a California lawsuit against the company.

4. Activision Blizzard employees set to strike

Activision Blizzard staff held a strike on July 28th to protest against the firm's response to a recent sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuit.

Workers gathered at the main gate of the Blizzard campus and virtually for those unable to attend. To raise awareness staff were encouraged to share the hashtag #ActiBlizzWalkout on social media.

5. Jam City cancels SPAC listing but still hopes to buy Ludia

US mobile developer Jam City has revealed that it has cancelled its current plan of going public on the New York Stock Exchange.

It's believed Jam City still wants to acquire Ludia but will need to organise a new source of capital before the purchase can go ahead.