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Redefine publishing with a job at fast-growing Tilting Point

President and co-founder Dan Sherman shares insights
Redefine publishing with a job at fast-growing Tilting Point

Writ large in Tilting Point's manifesto is its plan to redefine mobile games publishing, the very name of the company a reference to how it intends to tip the balance in favour of indies.

As such, 'publisher' is a label the New York-based firm feels uncomfortable with, preferring to call itself a 'new generation games partner.'

Currently working with Harmonix on Beat Sports - arguably the most high-profile Apple TV launch game -  and in the midst of a hiring drive, Tilting Point is a company on the rise.

So how can you join the growing team?

We got in touch with Dan Sherman, President and Co-Founder of Tilting Point, to learn more about how the firm differs from traditional games publishers, its company culture, and the sort of candidates he is particularly interested in hearing from.

As always, those looking to apply for any of Tilting Point's currently vacant positions should take note. Could you give us some background on Tilting Point?

Dan Sherman: What makes Tilting Point unique is that we built the company entirely to serve the needs of independent game developers.

We take a boutique approach to publishing by being very selective about the games and developers we work with, and the level of talent that we hire.

“Our goal is to tilt the competitive landscape in favour of those who create, rather than distribute, content.”
Dan Sherman

Indie developers today face enormous challenges in launching and operating successful games. Our goal is to “tilt” the competitive landscape in favour of those who create, rather than distribute, content.

Most other companies that try to do what we do either don’t have a full team of experts in-house or become conflicted with their own internal development projects. We are 100 percent focused on our developer partners and their games.

Are there any specific areas/disciplines you're currently hiring in?

We have a wide range of roles to fill across our product and marketing teams in areas that include analytics, engineering, user acquisition and art.

We plan to increase our headcount by 50 percent in 2015.

As you're overseeing recruitment at Tilting Point, what do you look for in candidates?

We look for exceptional talent that is on par with the top developers we serve. For many of our roles, this requires experience with free-to-play mobile game operations.

We’re seeking intelligent, hard-working people who are ready to take their skills to a place where they can have immediate impact - people with entrepreneurial ambition who too often get stuck in the hierarchies of big game companies.

The relaxed working environment at Tilting Point's New York office
The relaxed working environment at Tilting Point's New York office

Your contribution is much more tangible here. With each success, every person on our team can point to what they did personally to make the game work, or what they could have done better.

There’s no buffer - just cause and effect pressed up right against each other. You have to want that in your work life to do well here, but if you do, you’ll be richly rewarded.

“Tilting Point is a company where talented professionals come together to apply their skills for the benefit of the independent games that we love.”
Dan Sherman

Tilting Point is a company where talented professionals come together to apply their skills for the benefit of the independent games that we love.

In addition to a passion for games, candidates should have an eye for quality and the ability to describe what makes a game great as opposed to just good.

If you come interview here, be ready to talk about the games you’re playing, what games are on your phone and what you think about the state of the industry. If you join our team, you’ll have the opportunity to shape not only the future of the company, but the future of independent games as a whole.

Great games go unnoticed and flounder in obscurity every day. If you believe those games deserve a better chance and you want to be part of the solution to that problem, there’s no better place to be than here.

Since our developer partners are located all over the world, we also look for people with international work experience. Speaking a second or a third language is a big plus at Tilting Point.

Why do you think Tilting Point is a good place to work?

This is the most exciting time in our company’s history. Our lineup is bursting with new games in a variety of genres that will be coming to market over the next year.

While we’re very focused on mobile, we just launched our first console and PC game with Leo’s Fortune. We also just announced Beat Sports, an exciting new project with Harmonix that Apple unveiled on stage at their debut of the new Apple TV.

The common theme with our games is that they all come from a place of independent creativity, originality, and high quality.

Tilting Point is a small company with a clear mission and purpose. Everyone here is best-in-class at what they do and yet we all constantly strive to get better.

Here you will be challenged every day by a variety of interesting projects and surrounded by a multi-cultural team of individuals who are each at the top of their game.

We chose to establish Tilting Point in New York because it’s one of the greatest cities in the world. There’s an undeniable energy here and it’s a nexus of so much culture, food, fashion, art and entertainment.

It’s a city that can suit the needs of any lifestyle, and we have a gorgeous and spacious office located in the heart of Manhattan.

“Read the game press, track the app store charts and play lots of games!”
Dan Sherman

Time zone-wise, NYC is conveniently situated between Europe and the west coast of North America, two meccas of independent game development.

We’re able to keep our team together here while easily communicating with all of our partners during normal business hours. We’re never too far away to visit developers on either continent or to get our games in front of the key platform operators at their global headquarters.

New York is also the media capital of the world and that helps us ensure our games get top-tier press attention.

What advice would you have for someone trying to get into the games industry?

It’s important to remember that the mobile game business is still very young, rapidly growing and constantly evolving. There is demand for many different types of skills.

My advice is to take advantage of the schools and specialized programs that are designed to prepare students for the game industry. Seek out the growing ecosystem of trade organizations, government agencies, incubators, etc. that are tasked with helping the industry grow.

Read the game press, track the app store charts and play lots of games!

Also remember that you don’t have to be an engineer or designer to work in the game industry. So think about what it is you want to do and how you will contribute, then focus on pursuing roles that will benefit from your unique skills.

Follow people on Twitter who do what you want to do and learn from them. Invite them for coffee to find out how they got where they are.

Once you have a feel for what you want to do, be persistent and tenacious but also flexible. Follow up on every lead that comes your way until you find your way in.

For a full list of vacancies you can visit Tilting Point's jobs page.