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PGC Helsinki: Thomas Kriebernegg will be leading a session about using Apple search ads to increase paid and organic installs

"Gaming is going to integrate itself into the least expected corners"
PGC Helsinki: Thomas Kriebernegg will be leading a session about using Apple search ads to increase paid and organic installs

Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2019 will take place on October 1st to October 2nd. To give you a taste of what to expect, we'll regularly be publishing interviews with the speakers at the show.

For more details on PGC Helsinki and to book a ticket, head to the website here.

In this speaker spotlight we caught up with Thomas Kriebernegg. Kriebernegg is an ex hardcore gamer and can look back on over 15 years of experience in Online Marketing and 6 years in App Store Marketing. He is a gaming enthusiast, a keynote speaker, and the CEO at App Radar - an online App Store Optimization Tool that helps game publishers analyze and optimize their visibility within app stores. Customers of App Radar include internationally successful studios like Wargaming, Kolibri Games, Futureplay, NerByte and many more.

At Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2019 he'll be leading a session called Growth Hack: How To Use Apple Search Ads to increase Paid and Organic Installs Could you tell us a bit about App Radar?

Thomas Kriebernegg: Since our founding in 2015, our mission has been to help app companies grow. App Radar is an industry leader in the app marketing & analytics field, energizing international growth for mobile apps and mobile games. With us, you’re always equipped with AI-powered products, personalised services, and data-backed solutions. We see your goals as our goals and go above and beyond achieving them. At App Radar you run no risk. We rely on the science and the cold hard facts. Everything we do is always supported by accurate, reliable and secure data.

What does your role at the company entail?

I'm the CEO, so - team management, customer relations, business development, speaker, product development, and more!

Why did you want to work in the games industry?

Games have always played a part in my life. I grew up playing games and once I figured out how to make them, that's where things really got interesting. A couple friends and I decided to start making casual mobile games. From there we had to figure out how to get more players and increase brand awareness. Through my own journey marketing my own games, I realized that the process of getting your mobile game out there is not only tedious but challenging. As a result, the idea of App Radar was born. Today I'm thrilled to be working with the best in the gaming industry, both established and indie, to grow their games.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into it?

I would say to start now. If you have an idea, get it out there. There are so many platforms to spread your work, whether that's game design, development, marketing. There's a platform for it all and people are there to watch, listen, and learn from you. Stop waiting for the right moment because that moment is now.

What are your thoughts on the industry in the last 12 months?

Mobile gaming and China have been a big topic in the last 12 months and I don't think the chatter will stop there. Phones become more powerful with each year's releases and our younger generation of gamers are already used to being able to play anywhere at any time. Gaming is getting bigger. Esports has become quite a topic, especially with Fortnite's grand prize. People are starting to pay more attention to an industry that has so much potential.

What major trends do you predict in the next 12 months?

I believe that the trend towards mobile gaming will continue. Smartphones are becoming not only more powerful but more accessible all over the world. In addition, I believe that gaming will enter into the notice of many large companies across various niches. Gaming is more than just entertainment. There are games with the mission to teach their players, to connect their players, and to learn from their players. Schools are already trying to figure out how to gamify learning and implement these tactics at home and in the classroom. Gaming is going to integrate itself into the least expected corners. That's for sure.

How has the games industry changed since you first started?

My professional entry in the gaming market was in the time of the first hyper casual games. Since then the industry changed quite rapidly with a lot of innovation, on the good but also on the bad side.

Which part of the Connects event are you most looking forward to and why?

Meeting good friends, getting to know new people, enjoying Helsinki and exploring the newest trends in mobile gaming.