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Following Mattrick out from Zynga, Clive Downie is Unity's new CMO

As one door closes...
Following Mattrick out from Zynga, Clive Downie is Unity's new CMO

Following the surprise outing of CEO Don Mattrick, Zynga has now lost his appointed COO.

Hired from DeNA West 18 months ago, Clive Downie has moved to become the chief marketing officer at Unity, where he's reunited with his old EA boss John Riccitiello, who's Unity's relatively new CEO.

Around we all go

It's a state of affairs that says much about the incestous nature of the west coast games industry, Mattrick was also an EA executive - as well as the speed at which companies can rise and fall.

There's been no comment from Zynga, but Riccitiello told GamesBeat, "Clive and I go back a long ways. I'm super-happy to have him. He has a deep history in mobile gaming and a long history of marketing skills."