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Gameloft's FY13 net income down 19% to $10.3 million

Spent $20 million on upgrading IT systems
Gameloft's FY13 net income down 19% to $10.3 million

Gameloft (EPA:GFT) has announced its net income for FY13, the 12 months ending 31 December 2013.

Net income before tax was €16.1 million ($22.1 million), up 13 percent year-on-year.

Net income after tax was down 19 percent to €7.5 million ($10.3 million), however.

Gameloft had previously announced its FY13 sales figures of €233 million (around $320 million), up 12 percent year-on-year, in January.

It releases its income figures and full accounts at a later date due to the peculiar rules of the Paris stock exchange.

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"The solid growth in sales, stable headcount and efficient cost control have allowed Gameloft to significantly increase its current operating income which stood at €28.4 million, up 39% year-on-year", stated CFO Alexandre de Rochefort.

The company also released more details about its operations during 2013.

It awarded stock options and bonus shares worth €3.5 million ($4.8 million) to employees, and spent almost €15 million ($20.5 million) investing in its IT systems.

The company says it now has the capacity to globally release 15 games and operate over 20 each year. Each Gameloft release supports 15 languages.

It incurred expenses of around €1.3 million ($1.8 million) due to the restructuring of its development studios in India and the Philippines.