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Update: More big names join Frogmind, Grand Cru, King, Remedy, and Ubisoft for PG Connects

Even more big names heading to Helsinki
Update: More big names join Frogmind, Grand Cru, King, Remedy, and Ubisoft for PG Connects

With a little under two months to go until Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki lands, we thought it was a good time to pull back the covers and start to reveal a little of what we have in store for you.

Over the next days and weeks we'll be lifting the lid on all aspects of our upcoming conference to demonstrate that we have something for everyone in the mobile game scene, from C-Level executives of billion dollar companies to the smallest indie developers.

To kick things off we're going to give you an initial glimpse at some of the speakers who will be sharing their knowledge and insight in Helsinki on 16 and 17 June.

Speaker's corner

Featuring the likes of Matias Myllrinne of Remedy, Frogmind's Johannes Vuorinen, Vladimir Funtikov of Creative Mobile, Tommy Palm from King, Markus Grand Cru's Markus Pasula and David Bluhm of DropForge (the mobile studio leveraging Wargaming's IP), plus representatives from Ubisoft, Rovio, CornFox Studios and Housemarque, our speaker list is already looking from a who's who from across the industry.

And as is if that wasn't enough, we've recently added another load of big name attendees to our list. Including the likes of Arwin Hummel of Lima Sky and Oren Todoros of Plarium, we've managed to add an extra ten names to the list we announced a little over a week ago.

The fully updated list of speakers is as follows.

  • 6Waves - Arthur Chow, CEO
  • 99 Games, Shilpa, Senior Producer
  • AdColony - TBC
  • AppLift - Kaya Taner, CEO & Co-founder
  • Apportable - TBC
  • CornFox Studios - Heikki Repo, Creative Director
  • Creative Mobile - Vladimir Funtikov, CEO
  • Frogmind - Johannes Vuorinen, Co-founder
  • G5 Entertainment - Julia Palatovska
  • Grand Cru - Markus Pasala, CEO
  • HasOffers - JV Chardon
  • Housemarque - Mikael Haveri, Head of Self Publishing
  • Immersion - Bob Heubel
  • Inmobi - TBC
  • King - Tommy Palm, Game Guru
  • Lima Sky - Arwin Hummel, VP Business Development
  • MetApps - David McCarthy, European GM
  • Mag Interactive - Daniel Hasslberg, CEO
  • Midverse Studios, Rizwan Virk, CEO
  • Napna - Nadav Barkama
  • NDemic, James Vaughan, CEO
  • Next Games - Joakim Achren, CEO
  • Nordeus - Nikola Cavic, CEO
  • Paradigm Consulting Group - Jorden Woods, President
  • Plarium - Oren Todoros
  • Playground Publishing - Wilhelm Taht, GM
  • Playraven - Lasse Seppanen
  • Remedy - Matias Myllrinne, CEO
  • Remode Studios - Ella Romanos, CEO
  • Revolution Studios - Charles Cecil, CEO
  • Rovio - TBC
  • Secret Exit - Jani Kahrama, CEO
  • Shark Punch, Jiri Kupiainen, CEO
  • Softgames - Alexander Krug, CEO
  • Tab Tale, Elinor Schops
  • Tag Games - Paul Farley
  • Tin Man, Neil Rennison
  • Threaks - Wolf Lang
  • Wargaming / DropForge Games - David Bluhm
  • Zenfri - Corey King
  • Zupcat - Franco Breciano, CEO

Join us!

That's some list, isn't it? Nevertheless, it's far from the only draw for those who have already booked their place at the second PG Connects.

Set in a fantastic venue in Helsinki's Wanha Satama (that's the Old Harbor in Finnish), we'll be packing two conference tracks, developer pitching sessions, an engaging expo, numerous networking opportunities and all manner of other entertainment into two whole days of leading fun. And if it's anything like the smash hit conference we hosted for 700 of the industry's best and brightest back in London at the beginning of the year, then this should be an absolute treat.

The first PG Connects in London back in January
The first PG Connects in London back in January

Tickets for the event are already selling like hot cakes and you'll need to act fast to see all of these big name speakers spilling the beans in June. Head over to or our Eventbrite page here and secure your place at the show.

And make sure you keep your eyes on and the rest of the Pocket Gamer network in the coming weeks – we're going to have a lot more announcements for you soon.