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Growth of mobile game usage drops 50% in 2014

Users move to entertainment apps
Growth of mobile game usage drops 50% in 2014

Mobile analytics outfit Flurry has released its latest report, revealing that mobile game usage growth continued on its upward trajectory in 2014 – but not as quickly as it did the previous year.

According to the data, in 2014 mobile game usage grew 30 percent from 2013’s figures. Now on its own that sounds relatively impressive, but when we consider that between 2012 and 2013 usage grew by 66 percent the party poppers have to be put back in the drawer.

Across nine sectors, including health, social messaging, and news, the average growth rate was 76 percent. Consequently, gaming’s 30 percent growth rate puts it in last place behind all other categories.

In contrast, lifestyle and shopping apps saw the most growth with sessions increasing by 174 percent.

Don't let me entertain you

However, gaming was not the only area to see slower growth.

Music and movie app usage also stalled slightly, leading Flurry’s report to suggest that the mobile market demand is shifting from entertainment to practicality – for example, apps that help users accomplish everyday tasks.

Gaming came well under the growth average in 2014
Gaming came well under the growth average in 2014

You can read the full report from Flurry here.