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GDC report reveals dip in US developer interest on mobile as consoles rebound

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GDC report reveals dip in US developer interest on mobile as consoles rebound

GDC's organiser  UBM Tech Game Network, has released its third annual “State of the Industry” report, revealing that while PC and mobile remain the top platforms for developers, next-generation consoles are gaining in popularity.

According to the figures, interest in mobile development has seen a slight dip as game creators experiment with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

50 percent of the survey’s 2,000 North American respondents said that their current project would be released on smartphones or tablets, down from 52 percent in the year before.

It’s a minute slip, but it sits next to some monumental gains over in the console camp.

Next-gen allure

26 percent of the developers surveyed said that they are currently working on a PlayStation 4 game, up from 14 percent last year.

Meanwhile, Xbox One isn't far behind with 22 per cent claiming that they’re currently working on an Xbox One game, compared to 12 percent in 2014.

Of course games are often developed across multiple platforms, but the sharp rise in interest on consoles is one of the most interesting trends from this year’s report as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One both enter their second year on shelves.

Other findings from GDC’s survey include an insight into where developers are gaining most of their profits. Apparently 29 percent said they made most money from direct and digital sales, while 21 percent prized micro-transitions above all else.

Only 13 percent said they did their best business from retail sales, and 19 percent said they didn’t enjoy any profit at all, were non-profit, or just didn’t know where the majority of their profit came from.