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GameAnalytics enters publishing with indie-focused Runway

Runway will help small indie studios looking to soft launch
GameAnalytics enters publishing with indie-focused Runway

GameAnalytics has bucked the trend and dipped its toes into the waters of publishing with the launch of its own mobile game label, Runway.

Designed solely for small indie studios, Runway aims to help indies soft-launch their games in isolated markets like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland ahead of global release.

It’s an interesting move, since analytics firms have historically shown very little interest in the publishing race.

Level the playing field

In a bid to turn that into a selling point, GameAnalytics is emphasising its ability to sift through soft launch data and apply that to global launches for indies – giving small indie studios the same advantage as chart-guzzlers like Supercell and King.

“The big hits on the App Store and Google Play don't happen by accident,” said Luke Aviet, CEO. “Mobile's major players use soft launches to hone and even cull their games ahead of any global release. They sharpen and refine the titles using the data they pool from these test runs to increase their chances of success when the app is scaled across the rest of the world.

“It's a major weapon in their arsenal, and we think our firm grip on analytics means we're the perfect partner for indies who want the same advantages as the industry's bigger boys.”