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Crowdfunding isn't going away, says Double Fine's community manager James Spafford

It's taken us up and down
Crowdfunding isn't going away, says Double Fine's community manager James Spafford

At Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015, James Gilmour spoke to Double Fine's community manager James Spafford.

Starting off with the subject of its game Broken Age, Gilmour asked about the developer's experience with Kickstarter.

"It's taken us up and down. It's been an adventure," Spafford explained.

"I think we would do it again. Crowdfunding isn't going away."

Yet, Kickstarter, and other crowdfunding initiatives, do cause potential issues from a community point of view, notably in terms of matching the developer's vision with the backers'/fans' view on what the game should be.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015 in this YouTube Playlist.