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Video: Mobile business experts discuss how to get into China

And whether it's really worth the effort
Video: Mobile business experts discuss how to get into China

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015, Josh Burns led a panel of mobile business experts in a discussion about how to get into China.

He was joined by Randy Lee, Head of Business Development at Tencent; Ryan DeSanto, Director of Business Development at NetEase North America; Rick Liu, Chief Revenue Officer of PlayPhone; Greg Gobbi, Co-Founder of Red Accent Studios; and Chris Petrovic, SVP & Head of Corporate Development at Kabam.

Make friends or don't go

Gobbi stressed that developers should "find someone you trust in China" to help with localisation, as they will also be able to help navigate the numerous app stores and help with any other issues you might have.

Petrovic, however, suggested that while China is an exciting prospect, it might ultimately not be worth the extra effort, and that developers should "think about not being distracted by China for a bit."


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015 in this YouTube Playlist.