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I'm bullish on VR, but don't expect any revenues in the near future, says EA CEO

But company is investing
I'm bullish on VR, but don't expect any revenues in the near future, says EA CEO

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Electronic Arts Inc., has spoken about the company's stance on VR, telling financial analysts "our position hasn't changed at this juncture."

He said that "I personally am very bullish on VR, and believe it will be an integral part of our industry and our business on a go-forward basis."

Wilson argued that players are looking to further immerse themselves in the gaming experience, and that VR "overcomes the social disconnect created by sitting 10 feet or 3 feet or 1 foot from a screen."

Immersive experiences

However, Wilson has said that "we don't expect it will have a material revenue impact in the near future."

"We still think there is work to be done to get to a point where this is really a mass-market consumer proposition that delivers great VR, immersive experiences for a mass community."

That said, Wilson revealed that EA is preparing for the mass market potential of VR by "investing heavily in ensuring our Frostbite engine has all of the capability to deliver spectacular VR experiences."


His predictions match those of analytics firm IHS, who forecast there won't be a mass VR market until 2020.