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Get In The Game careers tour to hit 60 UK universities

Aardvark Swift is on the road
Get In The Game careers tour to hit 60 UK universities

Graduating is one hurdle for wouldbe game makers.

Finding a job is another task entirely, however.

That's where games job specialists Aardvark Swift and its Get In The Game careers tour is hoping to help out.

Part of its Grads In Games initiative, together with Microsoft UK, Autodesk, Playground Games, Boss Alien, Perforce and HackerRank, it's going to visiting over 60 universities over the next seven weeks.

You can see a full list of the schedule and sign up for free tickets here.

Talk, talk

At each university, Aardvark Swift's specialist graduate recruiters, Mark Hope and Ben Milnes, will be talking about what it's actually like to work in the games industry and how to land those all-important first jobs with studios.

Advice given will range from building a great CV through to the technical and practical skills studios are looking for.

The guest studios will also be delivering a range of talks and workshops across the tour, giving valuable insights into games industry processes.