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Video: Why Estonia is a great place for your startup

Creative Mobile CEO in the place to be
Video: Why Estonia is a great place for your startup

At Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2015, CEO of Creative Mobile Vlad Funtikov spoke about his home country.

An ex-Soviet state, Estonia is now part of EU and the Nordic/Baltic region.

With a population of just 1.3 million, it's spawned companies such as Skype, Transferwise and Fortumo and one of the most internet-connected and online integrated countries in the world.

"We're obsessed with communications, early adoption of online banking etc. There's a base of really strong programming talent," Funtikov said.

He also said while it's hard to recruit central Europeans to move to Estonia, it is a great gateway for Eastern European talent.

For example, Creative Mobile has recruited heavily from Ukraine.


You can see all our speaker videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2015 on our YouTube Playlist.