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Alternative Android distribution platform Flexion raises $3 million to expand into India, Iran and more

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Alternative Android distribution platform Flexion raises $3 million to expand into India, Iran and more
Date Type Companies Involved Size
May 6, 2016 investment Flexion Mobile $3m

Embedded Android marketplace Flexion has raised $3 million.

Working with a range of distribution companies and developers including Scopely, Kiloo, Gumi, Disney, EA, Halfbrick, and Seriously, the UK-based outfit operates a wrapper technology that is enables it include app store functionality - including discovery and billing - within individual F2P mobile games.

In this way, it provides its own highly curated alternative to the Google Play Store, while enabling other thirdparty channels to have access to high profile games.

It also works with OEMs to ensure devices have a good range of pre-loaded content.

Flexion previously raised $2.5 million in June 2014

New horizon

Flexion says it will use the cash to expand its reach to new markets, including Iran, India, and South Korea, and Android distribution platforms.

Recently, it announced partnerships with Alibaba, Baidu and Yandex.

"We believe the app store model as we know it will become obsolete in the future – to be replaced by new, more intelligent, discovery platforms," commented CEO Jens Lauritzson.

"We sit between game developers and discovery platforms and allow the ecosystem to grow without dependency on an over-crowded, and closed app store."

Flexion has served over 550 million users since it started.