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Why you need to be using personalised, behaviour-based push notifications

Leanplum on relationship marketing
Why you need to be using personalised, behaviour-based push notifications

In a recent data report by US mobile marketing outfit Leanplum, the company examined over 1.5 billion push notifications received by users over the world.

It then analysed this data according to mobile platform, personalisation of content, delivery method and geographic region.

What the data says

  • Push notifications on Android are opened twice as much as iOS, with rates of 1.8% and 3.4% respectively.
  • However, iOS users tend to open them seven times faster, within an average of 7 minutes, compared to the 48 minutes Android users take.
  • Behaviour-based push notifications have a nearly 800% higher open rate than immediate ones.
  • Personalised push notifications open rate is 5.9%, four times higher than generic, non-personalised one, sitting at 1.5%

Leaplum suggests that the reason why iOS and Android notifications are experienced so differently is a matter of interface design.

In iOS, notifications take the centre of the screen and disappear once unlocked, contrary to Android, where they stay on the top left corner.

You can find the full report here.