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Pokemon GO players are more engaged and willing to spend than ever

In New Zealand anyway
Pokemon GO players are more engaged and willing to spend than ever

Players in New Zealand are more engaged and invested than ever in Pokemon GO.

Ad tech company Qriously surveyed 1,178 peopled aged 13+ in New Zealand over the first weekend of August 2016 about their playing habits.

Comparing the results to its previous survey in July 2016, the survey found that 68% of the players who had tried the game initially are still playing it.

The chart shows the percentage of people who have played over the last seven days.
The chart shows the percentage of people who have played over the last seven days.

Engagement has actually increased, with 39% of remaining players playing the game five times or more a day, an increase of 13% over July's survey.

Paying and playing

In-game app spending has increased too, with 30% of respondents saying they had made a purchase. This compares to 17% in July.

Players are spending more money in-game too, with the proportion of high spenders nearly doubling.

You can see the full results of Qriously's survey on its blog.