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Tapdaq launches new unbiased ad mediation platform

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Tapdaq launches new unbiased ad mediation platform

London-based mobile advertising firm Tapdaq has launched its new ad mediation platform.

The platform uses server-to-server integration which enables developers to gain access to ad networks they may not have had previously. It also allows new networks to be added without the app needing to be resubmitted.

The platform also comes with a simple dashboard that is easy to use, giving developers a clear idea of what the platform is doing for them.

Restoring faith

"We want to restore faith in the industry by giving developers an unbiased platform they can rely on to select the actual highest paying demand source, every time," said Dom Bracher, CPO and co-founder of Tapdaq.

"By taking control of ad mediation through implementing an honest and reliable platform like ours, developers are given the power and insight they need to stay in control of their ad strategy and will maximise revenue."

Developers interested in using the mediation platform can find out more on Tapdaq's website.