Home   >   News Top 50 developers: How successful was your 2016?

Fill in our survey to tell us about your year in games Top 50 developers: How successful was your 2016?’s Top 50 developer list is set to return this year and this time we want to make the process more open and transparent than ever.

To that end, we’ve set up a small survey for you to tell us about the top developers across the globe and why they deserve to be on our list.

Top dogs

The criteria for the Top 50 includes financial success, business growth, global reach, industry impact and quality of games.

Think you fulfil that criteria? You don’t need to have earned a billion dollars to be on the list - but you do need to have good games.

Fill in the form below or click here to let us know why your company should be in PocketGamer’s Top 50 developer list 2017.

We'll start collating the list soon, so fill in the survey asap to ensure you're part of the process!

For advertising opportunities, contact Chris James at

Check out the top 50 developers 2016 list to see 2016's top studios.