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Gameloft’s mobile ad network partners with AerServ for rewarded video ads

"We think the future is bright for all of mobile video," says AerServ CEO Josh Speyer
Gameloft’s mobile ad network partners with AerServ for rewarded video ads
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Jan 10, 2017 partnership AerServ Gameloft Not disclosed

Gameloft Advertising Solutions has partnered with video mediation platform AerServ as a monetisation partner.

The deal will see AerServ ads integrated via an API into Gameloft’s games for rewarded video and mobile display ads.

Bright future for video ads

The firms hope to bring new and unique advertisers to Gameloft’s rewarded video placements across its mobile ad network.

“We think the future is bright for all of mobile video, and rewarded video in particular,” said AerServ CEO Josh Speyer.

“The user is rewarded with in-app currency or continued gameplay, the advertiser gets undivided attention from the user and an engaged audience with high performance, and a publisher generates revenue with a high eCPM.”