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Pokemon GO takes home the Grand Jury prize at the 13th IMGA Global

Dawn of Titans snags two awards
Pokemon GO takes home the Grand Jury prize at the 13th IMGA Global

Niantic Labs' Pokemon GO has taken the top prize at the 13th IMGA Global awards held on February 28th.

Sky Garden: Farm In Paradise from VNG Games Studio won the People's Choice Award, while Martin Magni's Mekorama won the Jury's Honourable Mention.

Pokemon GO's biggest rival throughout 2016, Clash Royale, took home the award for best multiplayer game. NaturalMotion's Dawn of Titans, another big 2016 release, won both the Best Technical Achievement award and Game Artist of 2016 award.

Big and small

A few indie games also snagged awards at the ceremony. Nerial's Reigns won the award for Excellence in Storytelling, Experimental Gameplay Group's Human Resource Machine won for Excellence in Innovation and Super Entertainment's Steppy Pants took home the Guilty Pleasure award.

"Our expert jury members reviewed close to 3000 games this year, and the 159 nominations that resulted represent the cream of the mobile gaming crop in 2016. Our 16 winners helped to make this a top year in terms of technology, substance, art and exploration in mobile games," said IMGA Founder Maarten Noyons.

"I want to thank all our sponsors: KING, Rovio, Supercell, Youzu, TDS, Samsung and Euroméditerranée and everyone who voted online for choosing the People's Choice Award's winner."

You can see all the winners across the ceremony's 16 awards, along with all the nominees, on the IMGA website.