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Hearthstone snaps up 70 million downloads

April's Journey to Un’Goro update proves popular with players
Hearthstone snaps up 70 million downloads

Blizzard’s free-to-play CCG for mobile and PC Hearthstone has been downloaded by more than 70 million players.

The game’s recently released fifth expansion Journey to Un’Goro was said to have attracted more users playing on the same day than at any other point in the game’s history.

To celebrate the milestone, Blizzard is offering three free Journey to Un’Goro card packs to all players who log in to the game before the end of May 2017.

Dealing them in

According to SuperData Research, Hearthstone generated $395 million in revenue in 2016 as it continues to lead the CCG market. Anticipated revenues for the CCG space are expected to be $1.4 billion by the end of 2017.

In February 2017 however, SuperData claimed Hearthstone experienced its worst monthly revenues on mobile ever. It put this down to gameplay updates that have proved unpopular with fans, as well as increased competition.

According to App Annie’s rankings however, the game has recovered since then and is now back in the US App Store top grossing charts.

After the release of the Journey to Un’Goro update on April 6th 2017, Heartstone shot straight into the top 10 grossing charts.